
SuperPowered [0.45.02] (Night City Productions) [uncen] [2016, RPG, ADV, SLG, 3DCG, Male Protagonist, Fantasy, School Setting, Superpowers, Mind Control, Corruption, Cheating, Big Ass, Big Tits, Interracial, Incest, Milf, Vaginal Sex, Blowjob, Anal, Group

Год выпуска: 2016
Дата релиза: 2022/03/18
Жанр: RPG, ADV, SLG, 3DCG, Male Protagonist,
Fantasy, School Setting, Superpowers, Mind Control,
Corruption, Cheating, Big Ass, Big Tits, Interracial,
Incest, Milf, Vaginal Sex, Blowjob, Anal, Group, Multiple Penetration,
Lesbian, Bukkake, Handjob, Rape, Ren'Py, APK

Цензура: Отсутствует :D
Разработчик: Night City Productions
Платформа: Windows, Android
Тип издания: Оригинал
Лекарство: Не требуется
Версия: 0.45.02 + 0.43.00
Язык игры: Русский + Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский + Английский
Язык озвучки: Отсутствует
● OS: Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
● HDD: 4.5 GB
Сверхмощный — это РПГ на движке Ren'py. Мы играем за Билли — парня, который до сих пор живет со своей мамой. В самом начале игры Мэгги (его мама) покупает ему его первую суперспособность. Поскольку ему нужны деньги, у него не остается иного выбора, кроме как согласиться. Она покупает ему способность рентгеновидения. Перед этим медсестра, которая делает ему укол, проверяет его совместимость с этой сверхспособностью. Как оказывается, он совместим, но выясняется и кое-что другое.
В отличие от большинства других людей, которые могут получить ограниченное кол-во таких уколов, Билли, похоже, обладает уникальным даром поглощать их бесконечно. Благодаря этому он может стать самым мощным среди всех остальных людей, однако во время наращивания такой мощи он должен быть осторожен. В мире, где почти любой может покупать суперспособности, кто угодно может стать потенциальной угрозой для нашего главного героя.


Содержание раздачи

Папка Eng

- Англоязычная версия для Windows (SuperPowered_v0.45.02-pc) и Android
- Мультимод (папка Super_Powered_-_AONmod_1.11)
- Прохождение игры в формате rtf

Папка Rus

- Русскоязычная версия для Windows в папке SuperPowered_v0.43.00-pc-Rus
- Мультимод в папке AONmod1.09b_for_rus_by_Klevtsov
- Подробное объяснение механик игры в формате txt
- Руководство-прохождение в формате PDF

Описание/установка мульти-мода


Значительно облегчает и улучшает игру в очень многих аспектах: взаимодействие с телефоном удобнее, бои легче и короче, случайные события теперь в руках игрока, отслеживание сцен (сгруппированы по персонажам, требования для открытия сцены и многое др.). Читы на деньги, репутацию, стиль и т.д.

Весь функционал чита на английском

Better looking and behaving cellphone :
The girls' stats pages are now effectively part of the cellphone, instead of the usual grey screen, and you've the possibility to navigate from a stats page to another without the need to return to the main page of the cellphone. In addition to this, when you're texting, flirting, sexting or inviting a girl from her stats page, the cellphone will stay present and you'll also not be sent back to its main page. The stats page is also the main place for most of the cheat regarding the girls (see below).
You'll also see more information regarding the girl, knowing when she's furious or terrified, while being offered few more possible interactions ; actually you can "gossip" with a girl through your phone, and ask Mrs. Larson for a recommendation letter (Warning, each letter will cost you 1 interaction point).
As for the main page itself, it include a visual resume of each girl status. You can know their level of willpower, fear, anger, corruption, inhibition, suspicion, and your level of control, directly from this page. You can also know which of Billy's power is actually affecting them and, depending of the power, how. Finally, you'll know if their favor, love and lust stats are maxed, as well as their actual state of sanity.
Note that, the intent of this mod being to respect the game, you'll see an information only if Billy's powers effectively permit it.
Also note that almost every feature of this mod works both with the legacy stats page and the modded one.
Better looking and Less invasive notifications :
Many of the notifications now looks better and don't need you to click to advance the game. This concern the interactions from the cellphone (as said above), the changes in a girl's stat, the flaw checks, quest notifications and talent ranking.
Note that, for some of these notifications, you can also define the delay during which they'll stay on the screen.
Control over the randomized events :
This part would need a roman to be detailed. Almost all randomized part of the game are now between your hands. You can decide for them to act as intended by default, or choose to have more chance (or take less risk, it depend), to be given the choice of what will happen, and/or to see the randomization always succeed. Which option are possible depending of the category of event.
There's already more than 50 categories of event handled by the mod, and each one of these categories have its own configuration. But don't be afraid, the default configuration is already enough to provide you a better experience ; while the configuration menu still offering you the possibility to choose your own configuration, by example when you want to force a scene that you really want to see.
As example of the possibilities this feature offer you, you can increase the frequency of appearance of a girl in the school, see all the skill check succeed whatever Billy's actual stats, or select which corruption scene you'll see when entering a class ; provided that the criteria for these scenes are met.
Note that, to facilitate your task, the configuration menu order the options. The generic events come first, then the events concerning any girls, then the one for the mother and the sister. Finally the other are by alphabetical order of the girl concerned.
Easier and faster combats :
Combats depend of a lot of randomization, and by taking care of the said randomization, this mod can make the combats both easier and faster. With all the options configured to their most powerful state, you can become a giant fighting an ant. And if it's not enough, with a single click you can raise your health, willpower or energy during the combat, as easily than you can lower the ones of your opponent.
Scenes tracker :
The scenes are grouped depending of the main character in them, and for each scenes the way to trigger it, as well as the requirements, are explained as much and clearly as possible. You'll also have a visual help showing you if you've already seen the scene, if the requirements are actually met, and if the scene is a sexual one or not. You'll be able to filter the already seen scenes out of the list, or not.
Note that only the lewd scenes are take in count here, with the exception of few scenes that are mandatory steps to progress to the lewd scenes ; like by example the early steps of the fetish quests.
It's available from the annex part of the modded phone, and only from there.
Cheats :
There's the obvious ones (money, reputation, style, etc.), and some new ones, like the control over the insanity aura, and the possibility to choose by yourself the state of sanity of a girl. No more need of hours of play to see the obsessive scene of this or that girl. Turn her obsessive, lock the insanity, use your control over randomization to choose her when you'll go sleep, and enjoy...
Despite them being disabled by default, the mod also offer you to choose what power will affect a girl, and how it will affect her. And it also offer you the possibility to enable/disable individually Billy's perks and flaws. I needed them when testing the mod, so why not effectively including them. But I personally find them not this useful. You can already maximize your control over a girl and perform a suppression in less than 30 seconds ; is the possibility to do it in a single click really this needed ?
You'll also find some cheats more subtle. The game already offer your the Gift of Gab, and this mod come with its own gift. At the side of each discussion topic and social interaction, you'll see a green dot if the girl will react positively, or a red dot she'll not like this.
Note that you'll not have the possibility to cheat to give powers to Billy, nor to raise his stats. Those two cheats are useless. You don't need a stats at 100 when they are supposed to be limited at 10. Especially when a value of 20 is enough to make you never fail a single action. They also break the meaning of the game, that is to be played. If you want a mod for easy fap, it's your right, but sorry, this mod isn't, and will never be, for you.
Annexes :
In addition to all the features listed above, from the cellphone you'll also have the possibility to access the stats page of every characters in the game, even when they aren't yet on your contact list.
The same cellphone offer you the possibility to access secondary information that (almost all) can't be found elsewhere in the game. Thus, you'll can have a summary of the Night City High Defense League story state. You'll not have the possibility to change them, these information are here to help you have a better vision of the game situation (what to do next) and found help more easily (since you can provide context regarding the effective state of the game).
You'll also have access to some stats regarding Billy. Not all are effectively hidden, but having them all in a single screen is better than having to go to the Logistic division, Globex, then the Initiative, to collect them.
Установка мода:
Поместить файлы и папку (AON-packages) мода в папку game, которая находится в корневой папке игры

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